Drawing of three buildings with wifi symbols and the words "Universal Broadband"


March 31st, 2021 from 9:00AM to 10:30AM

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Developing + Telling the Stories of Broadband Access

ShapingEDU LIVE: Developing + Telling the Stories of Broadband Access

Wednesday March 31, 2021

9am Arizona Time / 9am Pacific DAYLIGHT Time / 10am MDT / 11am CDT / 12pm EDT


Broadband access is a painfully timely challenge for anyone trying to work and learn in online environments; this highly-interactive, playful ShapingEDU session will focus on finding ways to positively address that challenge. Through its “Connecting Work and Learning” initiative to promote universal broadband access throughout the United States and foster access to the tools needed to effectively use the Internet for work and learning, ShapingEDU is creating resources and forging connections designed to make universal broadband a reality in the United States--and we need your help.

You will hear and share stories of the need for, challenges to, and actions toward universal broadband access. Together, we will review what the initiative has produced during its first nine months of operation; highlight, through storytelling, positive accomplishments in the drive to create universal broadband;and collaborate (in breakout rooms) on a collection of stories to further the aims of broadband access and digital equity 

Participants, by the end of the session, should be able to describe at least three challenges facing anyone interested in promoting universal broadband access; cite three ways they can leverage social media and other resources to promote broadband access; and be able to describe at least two actions they can immediately take to become involved in promoting broadband access in their communities, regionally, or nationally.