Monday, October 3, 2022
ZoomArizona Digital Inclusion Celebration Summit
Watch the Recording View The Master Deck
Arizona changemakers are committed to addressing the digital divide. We are leveling the playing field for all Arizonans by providing access to tools, knowledge, skills and resources that they need to thrive in the digital age.
On Monday, October 3, kick off Digital Inclusion Week with ShapingEDU and the Digital Equity Institute, and explore how Arizonans are advancing solutions for digital inclusion. Celebrate successes and learn how you can help us make strides in this imperative work.
Our three-hour agenda is jam-packed with opportunities to learn more from local industry experts about the state of digital inclusion in Arizona and the United States. This interactive virtual event is your chance to learn how to leverage technology to connect the underconnected, and celebrate how Arizona partners are working collectively and collaboratively to close the digital divide and advance sustainable digital equity for all Arizonans. This experience will empower you to join us in making a difference.
**All names below are linked with each presenter's LinkedIn profile!
Living Agenda
10:00a.m. | Welcome
- Stephanie Pierotti, ASU ShapingEDU - Director and Event Host
10:05a.m. | State of the State & State of the United States
- Erin Carr-Jordan, Digital Equity Institute - Managing Director
- Chairperson Bill Gates, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors - District 3, Chairperson
- Lev Gonick, ASU - CIO
- Governor Stephen Roe Lewis, Gila River Indian Community
- Angela Thi Bennett, US Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) - Digital Equity Director
10:40a.m. | Broadband
- Toni Broberg, AT&T - State President AT&T Arizona & New Mexico External & Legislative Affairs
- Stephanie Healy, Cox Communications - Director of Public Relations
- Matt Clark, Verizon - Director of Government Relations and Community Engagement
- Derek Masseth, Sun Corridor Network - Executive Director
11:00a.m. | Affordable Connectivity Program & Digital Navigators
- Lyle S. Ishida, Federal Communications Commission - Chief, Consumer Affairs and Outreach Division; Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
- Ilana Lowery, Common Sense Media - Arizona Regional Director
- Gigi Speaks, ASU Experience Center - Director, Information Technology
- Alexa Tarvid, ASU, Digital Navigator Lead
- Brandon Knight, Connect Arizona - Program Manager
- Mikhail Sundust - Digital Connect, Executive Director
11:30a.m. | Digital Literacy
- Brian Rose, Learning.com - Senior Vice President
- Lupe Valenzuela, Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. (CPLC) - Strategic Planning Analyst
- Courtney Anderson, Phoenix Public Housing Authority
11:45a.m. | Telehealth
- Janet Major, Arizona Telemedicine Program & Southwest Telehealth Resource Center - Associate Director for Innovation & Digital Health
- Stephen Neal, MPAP, PA-C, Chinle Comprehensive Health Facility - Chief of Staff
- Priya Radhakrishnan, MD, Honor Health - Chief Academic Officer, VP Health Equity
12:05p.m. | STEM Education and Workforce
- Shereka Jackson, Future Stars - Founder
- Dr. Jeremy Babendure, SciTech Institute - Executive Director
- Scott Hathcock, Moonshot at NACET - President and CEO
- Tom Mehlert, AZ StRUT - Executive Director
12:25p.m. | Community Engagement
- Holly Henley, State Librarian & Director of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
- Dan Gutwein, N50/Intel - Sr. Director, Education Vertical, Network and Edge Solutions Group; Director, N50 Project
- Angela Siefer, National Digital Inclusion Alliance - Executive Director
Event Summary
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