Storytellers In Residence

ASU ShapingEDU Storytellers in Residence are education changemakers skilled in the arts of communicating and engaging communities through meaningful stories. During this year-long role, Storytellers in Residence will amplify the impact of ShapingEDU's 5 Calls To Action, initiatives and community work, telling the story of ShapingEDU and inspiring conversation.  

Photo of Karina Branson

Karina Branson

Karina Branson is delighted to be a visual facilitator, founder and owner of ConverSketch where she uses hand-drawn images and text to reflect and distill the key ideas as graphic recording charts. With a master’s degree in science communication, Karina’s scientific training and an innate ability to connect with people across cultures creates a unique blend of intelligences that enable her to synthesize and creatively capture meaningful content. She has visually facilitated and supported collaborative strategic planning, community engagement, innovative brainstorming and critical systems thinking to help groups move forward and into action. She has worked across academic, corporate, governmental and non-profit sectors across six continents.

Karina holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Communication from Colorado State University and was awarded a National Science Foundation research assistantship to complete her Master of Science in Climate Change Communication, also at CSU. Her published research focuses on a mixed methods analysis of graphic recording as a tool to communicate complex science and facilitating creative communication strategies to engage citizens in climate change science.

Karina lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband and cat. They enjoy backcountry snowboarding, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, cooking good meals, gardening, and watercolor painting.

Photo of Tom Haymes

Tom Haymes

Tom Haymes has almost 40 years of technology experience culminating in his role as design team leader for the West Houston Institute, an integrated innovation center for Houston Community College. He has been a Technology Director for a college of 20,000 students, a teacher, managed innovation teams across a wide range of projects, and has developed a series of strategies around technology adoption and integration (The Three-E Strategy, the IdeaSpaces StrategyThe ELITE strategy, and the Hybrid Plus Strategy). He has published articles on a wide range of topics from technology adoption to military history. He was formerly a contributing editor to the New Media Consortium and served on the board of their futuring project, The Horizon Report. He maintains a consulting business at where he consults on technology assessment, professional development, organizational/systems design, designing integrated environments for teaching and learning, and digital futuring. 

Tom earned Master’s Degree in Government and a Master’s Degree in German and European Studies from Georgetown University. He has been involved with ShapingEDU since its inception and is Mayor of the Humanizing Learning neighborhood. In 2020 he launched the Teaching Toolsets Triangle Project for ShapingEDU, an effort to understand and integrate digital and physical tools into our pedagogical strategies. Tom blogs at and writes regularly for He is the author of the forthcoming book Discovering Digital Humanity (ATBOSH Media, 2020), a book on using technology to augment the human experience.

Photo of Paul Signorelli

Paul Signorelli

Paul, co-author of Workplace Learning & Leadership (ALA Editions, 2011) with Lori Reed and author of the forthcoming Change the World Using Social Media (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020), is a writer, trainer, presenter, and consultant helping clients and colleagues look for opportunities they might otherwise miss. As a passionate advocate of lifelong learning, he has served as director of staff training and volunteer services for the San Francisco Public Library system; focuses on the intersection of learning, collaboration, and the innovative use of technology to produce positive change; and continues to design and deliver onsite and online learning opportunities including workshops, courses, and webinars.

He is involved in a variety of learning initiatives including the ShapingEDU project, where he serves as Co-Mayor (with Kim Flintoff) of the “Connect Education and the Workforce of the Future” neighborhood and frequently visits other ShapingEDU neighborhoods to collaborate on a variety of projects and initiatives; remains active in ATD (the Association for Talent Development) and the American Library Association; and recently designed and facilitated a series of onsite and online Train the Trainer sessions for the Tampa Bay Library Consortium.

Paul earned his MLIS through the University of North Texas online program, and also holds a Master of Arts Administration degree from Golden Gate University and a B.A. in Political Science from UCLA; continues to blog at Building Creative Bridges and can be reached at