Week 1: Applying AI to the Student Debt Crisis

by Nancy Rubin, ASU ShapingEDU Innovator in Residence

On Thursday, April 30th ShapingEDU and Omdena kicked off “Applying AI to the Student Debt Crisis.”

Graphic summarizing the What, Why and How of this project

The project team is using Artificial Intelligence to understand and identify solutions to the student loan debt problem in the United States.

Subject matter experts from the ShapingEDU community, and interested educators from around the country, are partnering with over 50 data scientists in an 8-week sprint. Collaborating through SLACK, shared programming environments, and team meetings; the project begins by defining the problem statement, identifying data sources, and deciding on approaches to wrangle the data.

As an innovator in residence for ShapingEDU and the project liaison to the Omdena community, I plan to share updates with the community. It is very interesting to see the work on such a fast-paced project. I, personally, find the process fascinating. What is unique about Omdena is their approach to building AI solutions to real-world problems through the power of bottom-up global collaboration.

We have an active community in SLACK diving into data, refining the problem statement, identifying tasks to be completed and getting to know one another!

I’ll share another update next week. 
