Photo of a castle surrounded by fog

You're invited to the ShapingEDU 2021 Unconference: Reshaping wicked problems!

Laura Geringer

Reshape wicked problems at our "remote" haunted inn this July!

Join us virtually at the 2021 ShapingEDU Unconference on July 20-23, 2021 where, together, we will address a looming set of "wicked problems" (challenges with underlying competing values), including learning in the face of disruption, ethics and bias in data, student voice in education journeys and more.

Think you have what it takes to thrive in a "remote" inn haunted by wicked problems? Space is limited, so register now to find out. 

ShapingEDU Unconference
July 20-23, 2021 | Virtual

Save your spot today! 


Why you should attend the Unconference

Educators, students, technology leaders and changemakerswho want to hone their skills in grappling with the unknown mysteries ahead and transforming learning for the better through these disruptions are invited to join us at the inn.

During this three-day, highly interactive digital event, you are encouraged to roll up your sleeves to: 

  • Develop and build skills for dealing with the unknown, disruption and surprises. Surface big ideas around concrete actions and engage in working sessions to dream and design big.
  • Create specific strategies and tools to address these wicked problems.
  • Seek out ways to become antifragile in living and learning — to move beyond resilience to thriving through disruption.


Submit your ideas for Wicked Problems!

What are the pressing, complex challenges facing learning now or in the future? Submit your ideas for wicked problems to address at the 2021 Unconference by Thursday, May 20!


The pandemic has ushered in a realm where truly anything is possible through focused collaboration towards truly making a difference. Register now for the Unconference, and let's see what wicked problems we can reshape! 


Special thanks to our Unconference co-conveners: 
Logos for co-conveners (sponsors) for the 2021 Unconference


Laura Geringer