Map of the Future

Visual Digital Notetaking

ShapingEDU LIVE: Visual Digital Notetaking

Tuesday November 10th, 10-11a.m. Mountain Standard Time (Arizona Time; GMT-7)

with Karina Branson, ShapingEDU Storyteller in Residence and graphic facilitator with ConverSketch

In this session, we'll practice basic hands-on strategies to make your notes morevisual, even if you don't consider yourself an artist! We'll discuss and play with visual note-taking tools and tips for how to navigate the digital sphere to support shared understanding, systems thinking, collaboration, and action. All are welcome!

This live session will be similar to the Visual Digital Notetaking session from Learning(Hu)Man 2020. Instead of re-watching the session recording together, Karina will be leading the webinar live, with discussion and play with visual notetaking tools and tips for how to navigate the digitalsphere to support shared understanding, systems thinking, collaboration, and action.

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