The Black Swan Thinking Project
The Black Swan Thinking Project: Harnessing the Future by Framing the Past
with Innovator in Residence Ruben Puentedura
The Black Swan Thinking Project, with Innovator in Residence Ruben Puentedura, is a 6-month effort to develop Black Swan and Antifragile thinking and a toolkit for k-20 institutions and changemakers that is different from the traditional planning approach.
Sign up for updates + opportunities
Convene a team for the Black Swan Studio
Stage 1: The End of Fairytales [Complete]
A multisession course, focusing on entities at three key levels of analysis and planning - systems, agents, and networks - required to identify the nesting grounds of Black Swans, and develop habits of mind and sets of responses to the unknown.
I. Why The Little Dutch Boy Was The Little Doomed Boy
Friday October 23, 8-9:30a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (Arizona Time, GMT-7)
II. How The Leopard Didn’t Get Its Spots
Wednesday November 18 3-4:30p.m. Mountain Standard Time (Arizona Time, GMT-7)
NOTE: This event takes place after the daylight savings time change. After the change, Arizona Time and Pacific Time will no longer be the same.
III. Who Framed The Narrative Of Cock Robin?
Wednesday December 16 9-10:30a.m. Mountain Standard Time (Arizona Time, GMT-7)
Stage 2: Painting Antifragile Learning (Not) by Numbers [In process]
In this intensive design studio, participants will tackle an educational problem that is relevant to them, using the Black Swan toolset, to develop an antifragile - or at the very least resilient - solution. The studio is expected to run for one week in April, and will be conducted in three stages, scheduled to fit participants' needs. The answers developed by participants will be shared with a wider audience through the ASU-ShapingEDU website.
Convene a team for the Black Swan Studio
En Français:
Dans cet atelier de dessin intensif, les participants aborderont un problème éducatif qui les concerne, en utilisant la boîte à outils du projet Cygne Noir pour développer une solution anti-fragile, ou au moins résiliente. L'atelier se déroulera pendant une semaine en avril en trois étapes, programmées en fonction des besoins des participants. Les réponses créées par les participants seront partagées avec un public plus large via le site Web ASU-ShapingEDU.
Convoquer une équipe pour le studio de Cygne Noir
En Español:
En este taller de diseño intensivo, los participantes abordarán un problema educativo relevante para ellos, utilizando el conjunto de herramientas del proyecto Cisne Negro para desarrollar una solución antifrágil, o al menos resiliente. El taller funcionará durante una semana en abril, y se llevará a cabo en tres etapas, programadas de acuerdo a las necesidades de los participantes. Las respuestas creadas por los participantes se compartirán con un público mas amplio a través del sitio web de ASU-ShapingEDU.
Convoca un equipo para el estudio de Cisne Negro
Watch the 45-minute Black Swan Foundations crash course from March 3rd, 2021 in three languages:
In English En Français En Español
Stage 3: The Great Swan Game [Starting soon]
A day-long scenario game, inviting teams from a diverse range of academic institutions to leverage and apply the knowledge gained in the first two stages. Their goal: to design organizations and learning frameworks that can thrive amid flocks of particularly ill-tempered Black Swans.
Recent Materials:
- [Slides] Black Swan Thinking Foundations - in English (March 2021)
- [Diapositives] Fondations de Pensée Cygne Noir - en Français (March 2021)
- [Diapositivas] Cimientos de Pensamiento Cisne Negro - en Español (March 2021)
- Black Swan Thinking Foundations: What you need to know to move forward (March 8, 2021)
- [Video Recording] Black Swan Thinking Foundations - in English (March 2021)
- [Video Recording] Fondations de Pensée Cygne Noir - en Français (March 2021)
- [Video Recording] Cimientos de Pensamiento Cisne Negro - en Español (March 2021)
- The Black Swan Thinking Project - Session 3: Who Framed The Narrative Of Cock Robin? (December 31, 2020)
- [Video Recording] The Black Swan Thinking Project Session 3: Who Framed The Narrative Of Cock Robin? (December 2020)
- The Black Swan Thinking Project - Session 2: How The Leopard Didn’t Get Its Spots (November 24, 2020)
- [Video Recording] The Black Swan Thinking Project Session 2: How The Leopard Didn’t Get Its Spots (November 2020)
- The Black Swan Thinking Project - Session 1: Why The Little Dutch Boy Was The Little Doomed Boy (October 27, 2020)
- [Video Recording] The Black Swan Thinking Project Session 1: Why The Little Dutch Boy Was The Little Doomed Boy (October 2020)
- The Deconstruction of Flying Swans (October 16, 2020)
- Introduction the the Black Swan Thinking Project (October 8, 2020)
Get Involved:
- Convene a team for the Black Swan Studio
- Sign up for project updates, opportunities, and ways to contribute.