The Humersive Learning Project Kick-Off

Two hands, made of dots, touching fingertips

January 15, 2020 9am-10am U.S. Mountain Standard Time

How can we humanize immersive learning (XR) while simultaneously fostering innovation that will bring disruptive change to higher education? This is a guiding question of ASU ShapingEDU’s Humersive Learning Project, an actionable exploration of the intersection of humanity and immersive learning, led by Innovators in Residence Emory Craig & Maya Georgieva. The Humersive Learning Project responds to several of the themes from the 2019 ShapingEDU Unconference. The Project will investigate human and student experience in the context of emerging technologies and the convergence of extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence (AI). 

Join Maya and Emory for this ShapingEDU LIVE event to kick-off the process of developing a framework of guiding principles for Humanizing Learning. Together, we will begin by asking critical questions to unpack this key need and exciting opportunity, in collaboration with ShapingEDU LIVE participants. 

Watch the Recording  

View the Summary Graphic

Learn About the Project

Photo of Emory Craig

Emory Craig

Emory is the Cofounder and Partner at Digital Bodies, a consulting group and a popular website for news and analysis of immersive technologies. He has worked with educational institutions, libraries, and international organizations to implement innovative learning environments and spark creative transformation. He has spoken at conferences around the world and recently served on an expert panel for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to develop preliminary policy recommendations for the use of AI in learning environments. As a futurist and writer, he is fascinated by the ways VR and AI will transform human experience and concerned by the potential ethical challenges. He focuses on the personal and organizational strategies we will need to learn and live in the future where experiences are available on demand, and the boundary between the real and the virtual disappear. An active participant in the NYC startup community, his background spans business, higher education, and the art world.

Photo of Maya Georgieva

Maya Georgieva

Maya is a futurist, educational strategist, and an immersive media designer. Her work in immersive media and the future of learning is featured in education and industry forums and publications across the globe. As the Director of Digital Learning and XReality Center at the New School, Maya works to engage the community and provide strategic leadership in creating an institutional culture and capacity for innovative design with emerging technologies, XR and AI. She is the co-author of the EDUCAUSE-ELI Transforming Higher Education Immersive Learning Series and has authored white papers and research studies on the future of Higher Education and Immersive Learning in EDUCAUSE Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, EdTech Magazine, EdSurge, and Edutopia among others. Maya is the co-founder of Digital Bodies, an award-winning website focusing on VR/AR/MR, and their impact on media and society. She has worked with Google, HP, Microsoft, Intel, and various education and non-profit organizations on developing immersive experiences and strategy. She has provided insights to the United Nations and the European Commission on policy recommendations on the future of learning and work.