Souvenirs From The Slopes
The Urban Complex (smarter cities for a stronger tomorrow) is a podcast where ideas, feelings and memories collide, leading to meaningful change.
"Outrageously Yours" Showcase your Triple Axe
What are your visions for the future? Athletes at Tuesday's lunch brainstormed "serious" and "outrageous" ideas for the futures of living + learning. They then voted and built on the top three ideas -- with surprise curveballs thrown in (AI! Social Media! Cupcake Bar!). Check out their ideas and discussion summaries
Connecting Learners for Work and Education: Universal Broadband Access in the United States | Free Course
This self-directed, story-driven learning opportunity, developed and delivered by a team of ShapingEDU community members and our colleagues at Arizona State University, explores the challenges and opportunities related to universal broadband access for learning and work in the United States. It offers resources, strategies and concrete actions to lead change in your community, and opportunities to interact with other members of the learning community this course is designed to nurture.It is meant to be as engaging, flexible, and highly-focused as we can make it. You can take it from start to finish, or you can focus on (and complete) those sections which will meet your own unique learning needs on this topic. You can use it as an ongoing source of information and return to it as your time and personal needs require. Most of all, you can control your own learning path by seeing yourself as a “co-conspirator” in the learning process and setting your own learning path in ways that provide the greatest rewards for you within the smallest amount of time possible.
Learn At Your Own Risk Hackathon
Participants in this Hackathon brainstormed applications of 9 Digital Age Strategies for skiing the mountain of chaos down to a new normal -- from Tom Hayme's new book, Learn at Your Own Risk (ATBOSH Media, 2020). Together, they created a concept map. The ideas in the map are those of hte participants and the connections (the arrows) were added by the session facilitator and author, Tom Haymes. View the map here!
This scrapbook is a reflection of our favorite Winter Games memories. We collectively recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of this group -- encapsulated in this very moment in time.
As we consider: What are our biggest takeaways from the Winter Games? What ideas are we carrying forward like a torch? Join the conversation and flex your creative side.
The final installment of ShapingEDU Open Access Journal is live now!
We're excited to leave you with a special souvenir from the Winter Games: the final installment of the ShapingEDU Open Access Journal! A complement to the first publication installment, the Open Access Journal shares 11 articles that unpack the various intertwined journeys we must embark on together to bolster digital equity and inclusion, to recognize all forms of learning and to spur an even more harmonious connections between our institutions and the workforce of the future. Read the journal now!
Check out these Winter Games visual notes and graphic facilitation, including the complete event summary, created by our Art Director Alece Birnbach (Graphic Recording Studio).
For quick access, click the title below.
Right click on the images below to save/download them.
January 5-7 | ShapingEDU Winter Games
A full summary of the 2021 Winter Games is here!
- Winter Games 2021 Event Summary: January 5-7, 2021
- Future thinking is a mindset: build in resilience, prepare for disruption and embrace ambiguity.
- Be agile! Make existing systems better. Think like a designer. Design is about doing!
- Culture: use the tools of the future. They're accessible to all!
- Partnerships
- We can make our smart regions better!
- Bring play into the classroom. Play leads to quicker engagement!
- Digital experiences are here to stay, like second screen for viewers at home.
- Adaptability: inclusion is what we do! It's for everyone!
- Be open to the possible! Unlock data by starting with people. Connect and empower people and communities. Be practical and agile to adapt at speed.
- Create community. Designers design. Teachers teach and mentor. Simplify online teaching.
- Let's be changemakers! Carry the torch forward!
January 5 | Opening Ceremony + Olympic Keynote | Learning Futures: Designing the Horizon
Tuesday's keynote "designed the horizon," and envisioned what can be in the education system.
Learning Futures: Designing the Horizon (Probable, Plausible, Possible) Keynote with Dr. Sean Leahy, Dr. Punya Mishra and Jodie Donner
- Futures thinking is a mindset - it's not about predicing the future. Build in resilience and we can succeed in uncertain times. Prepare for disruption; look at the role of humans with AI. Look at mega trends and design for them.
- Make existing systems better. Think like a designer. Be agile! Design is about doing. Go beyond artifacts, processess and experiences to systems and culture, using foresight frameworks and tools. Think about time differently. Think near-term and long-term simultaneously. Embrace ambiguity.
- The 4th Industrial Revolution is different because of velocity, scope and systems impact.
- Navigating through peril: how do we prepare? Imagine what can be. Everything in the education system is designed and can be changed.
- Axes of uncertainty
- Brainstorm external uncertainties.
- Brainstorm internal uncertainties you can control.
- Plot on opposing axes and surface new ideas.
- Write a headline in each axis.
- Label with opportunities and risks.
- Find your action.
- Use case: Sun Devil Learning Labs
- Remote learning led by ASU education students, who adapted and embraced human-led and human-centered decisions. Baked in ideas included the use of YouTube, Zoom and Slack, as well as futures thinking, principled innovation and design.
Want to know more? Watch the video here.
January 5 | Short Track Hack(athon) | Build Your Own Olympic Village
One Olympic Village at the Winter Games focused on the future of extended reality (XR).
- Build Your Own Olympic Village - Extended Reality: Augmented, Mixed, Virtual with Dan Munnerley and Heather Haseley
- With XR you can be something else, be somewhere else, travel in time and do something. The world can be anything! Start by thinking of the experience, not the tool. XR is accessible to everyone now. Use objects in teaching, build using existing assets and create experiences of things that don't exist yet.
- With the learning layer, experiment with real things in a digital space. We're all learners, creators and explorers, learning as a social act. XR@ASU learners are creating learning for others.
- It's exciting and terrifying! The tools are easy now though. Students love it. These are the tools of the future.
- Storyboard the purpose of teaching goals, environment and objects needed for Mozilla Hubs.
- They demo and exhibit student work and add music and audio.
- Spokes in the Hubs build a room. Quickly share your room so others can come in and collaborate. You can create multiple rooms and link them. Share the link to your room.
Want to know more? Watch the video here.
January 5 | State of the Smart Region Gala
The Connective hosted Tuesday a State of the Smart Region address, exploring the exciting developments in a connected world.
- The Connective Welcomes You to State of the Smart Region (representing 6 continents!) with Dominic Papa, Di Bowman, Jason Whittet and Honore Callingham. We all believe our regions can be better and we all believe we can do something about it.
- Low-hanging fruit: delivering consumer-led educational need and cohorts with students and the community (internships).
- Projects we're excited about: senior falls, future of mobility and public transportation for the blind.
- Celebrating one year of bringing together cities, government and corporations to create the nation's best smart city, connecting community leadership with high tech to create a better world!
- We are at the forefront of smart cities, which is great for Phoenix. There will be more attention on this now. They'll be looking for cities that already have shovel-ready projects ready to go. We're in a position to move quickly and scale, and we can come out of the gate running!
- The valley is one big grid. We have a great culture and we're creating partnerships actively, evaluating and testing with Nairobi and Amsterdam.
Want to know more? Watch the video here.
January 6 | Opening Keynote | The Future of Sports and Entertainment
It wouldn't be a Winter Games if we didn't talk about sports (and entertainment)!
- The Future of Sports and Entertainment Keynote with Robert Matthews, Rick Shantz, Mark Feller, Salvatore Galtioto and Stephen Rusche
- Challenges:
- Using tech to overcome empty stadiums
- Pivot using data to improve the fan experience
- Fan engagement through Twitch and Twitter
- Second screen for viewers at home, appealing to younger audience and gamers with video tech that helps keep players and fans engaged
- Cardboard cutouts of fans in stands
- Zoom coaching
- Temperature scans daily
- Challenges keeping everyone connected
- Going into 2021:
- Demand has not gone down: scarcity value, media content value, sports are the only thing people watch live, investors are looking at esports
- With scouting and recruiting on Zoom, we can scout players all over the world!
- Enhance fan experience: Keep connectivity going for fans with smarter environments (i.e. better parking and wayfinding, good end-to-end experience).
- Facilities can enhance fan and player experience (with things like chefs, gaming rooms and barbers).
- New facilities will have connectivity, entertainment and shopping.
- Beyond the stadium, fans love tailgating and we intend to facilitate it.
- Super Bowl 2023
- Leveraging video signage
- Touchless tech
- Verizon 5G
- Upgraded digital infrastructure
- Esports and gaming
- Connects players to each other and their fans
- Builds community and culture
- Players play video games with soldiers
- Leverage media opportunities to present to a wider audience
- Digital experiences are here to stay.
Want to know more? Watch the video here.
January 6 | Short Track Hack(athon) | Pedagogical Athletes: Faculty of the Future, A Rapid Ideation Session
From sports athletes to athletes of pedagogy: the Winter Games brings you a conversation on the faculty of the future.
- Pedagogical Athletes: Faculty of the Future - A Rapid Ideation Session with Dr. Minu Ipe, Dale Johnson, Tamara Christensen and Cary Lopez
- What can they do and be?
- Transform teaching and learning processes by 2026, emotionally, physically and financially
- Alternative credentials
- Support faculty strengths: evaluate and reward, mentor, design and teach
- Simplify teaching online
- Redefine role and identity for instructors: specializations will occur with cross-functional teams
- Find the tech to help faculty as community builder, creating community in a digital space.
- Create an environment that's less traumatic.
- New skills and new training
- Most implementable: designers design and teachers teach and mentor
- Most implementable: development of centralized training, with options including live training and video tips
- Most impactful: access to resources, like tech, people and capital
- Most impactful: universal mode delivers core curriculum with local facilitation
- Most future potential: individual faculty members are research mentors and academic and career advisors
- Most future potential: new classroom space (physical and digital)
- New game, new rules
Want to know more? Watch the video here.
January 6 | Fireside Chat | Heart of Inclusion
Wednesday's Winter Games Fireside Chat brought an important topic forward: inclusion.
- Heart of Inclusion: Fireside Chat with Alycia Anderson
- Who we are: diversity
- What we do: inclusion, globally, based on love, respect and care for everyone!
- A deliberate act of including diversities
- Equal access to opportunity in life
- Embrace adaptability, communication and being open to the possible
- Open the door to change
- Our uniquenesses have beauty
- Encourage progression
- Lead with your heart
- Why do we care? Are we just checking a box? I'm invisible. This is an object (pointing to wheelchair) - it isn't me. It is a perceived blocker to moving up in life. For me, it's an opportunity.
- See the person first (#seemeforme): a woman with a heart.
- It's hard, ongoing collective work.
- See the beauty in everyone.
- I was born in 1973. Society is opening up opportunity blockers with Rehabilitation Act.
- I was a sophomore in high school in 1990 (the time of the Capitol Crawl).
- My parents taught me to be bold. I am a bridge, moving from waitress to a VP in sales. I live in Europe alone and travel.
- Being a good planner is a professional attribute.
- See me for me. See people for people.
January 7 | Olympic Keynote | Unlocking the Data to Drive a Smart Region Vision
Data is the driver of smart region innovation, and the subject of Thursday's keynote.
- Unlocking the Data to Drive a Smart Region Vision with Corey Woods, Elizabeth Wentz, David Cuckow and Patricia Solis
- Open portal = trust, knowledge, insight and conecting people and organizations
- Tempe uses data to make decisions for residents - and it's there for them to see.
- There are ties between ASU, Tempe, Health and Urban Environments (HUE) and planning partners.
- Data can liberate and help us make decisions.
- International collaboration leads to knowledge share.
- Knowledge of data lakes, "wrong purse problem," breakout of silos, machine learning and agent-based modeling
- Office market in future: using real-time data to monitor our environments to determine productivity
- Data and education: courses, ASU offering a data science degree, making students aware and mentorships
- Standards start with people. We can't just dream, we have to do. Common repeatable approaches are best practices.
- Data saves lives! Shed light on people dying from heat in mobile home parks; a data dashboard can measure urban heat. Helping the homeless.
- Partnerships are key! Be practical and adapt standards at speed. Reality eats innovation for lunch.
January 7 | Short Track Hack(athon) | The Future is Fun: The Transformational Power of Play
Play is fun...and transformational!
- The Transformational Power of play with David Thomas and Lisa Forbes
- It will lead to quicker engagement. Play makes teaching more fun and learning more playful. Play is an approach to life. It's voluntary.
- Start with fun ice breakers! (i.e. Af1a1fa; all for one and one for all)
- Challenge students to get involved in a safe collaborating or competitive way.
- We all like different kinds of play!
- Ignite community and excitement
- How do you feel when you play? How can you bring those feelings into your classroom?
- We share positive emotions when we play. It removes barriers, opens us to feedback, reduces stress and awakens intrinsic motivation.
- Problem: why are we afraid to play? Student's don't know what to make of it. My brain doesn't know how. Won't be accepted by colleagues.
- Dispute your fears. Create an alternative narrative. Geniuses never stop playing! Challenge the system! Need more creativity in K-12 classrooms.
- Address your fears with the Pyramid of Play
- Playfulness
- Connection-former activities
- Play to teach content
- Whole course design
- Solutions: your personal play plan.
- Where are you on the scale, from 1 (safe) to 10 (fun!)?
- What unique identity do you hold?
- How can you move up on the scale?
- What's your personal play memento?
- End of day play
- Favorite children's book
- My child's toy
- Reminds me it's okay to be different
- Play allows people to be vulnerable.
January 7 | Fireside Chat + Closing Ceremony | Reflections from the Top
The closing ceremony's fireside chat reflected the big moments of the Winter Games.
- Reflections from the Top: Looking Back to Look Forward with Allison Hall and Kyle Bowen
- Aha moments: the future is fun! We move forward despite what's going on in the world.
- Change how you look at the future. New ideas need new perspectives.
- Participants gave one minute pitches with attention, need, satisfaction, visualization and action to tell a new, motivating story!
- Let's be changemakers!
- Future of work: at ASU we all wear hats as teachers and learners
- Future of learning: need another way of being credentialed. I'm in control of my learning! I can use the experience I already have.
- New realities: accessibility for blind and dead people and immersive experiences using VR
- When we have our tools and research, we can meet any challenge together!
- ASU will take these ideas forward and turn them into frameworks and invite others to create resources!
- How will you carry the torch forward? I'm going to build community!
- The strength of this community is phenomenal!
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