An image of the United States at night, from space, with light coming from major cities.

American Jobs Plan Delphi Activity, with the ShapingEDU Broadband Project

Laura Geringer

— May 07, 2021

Universal broadband access now looks to be within reach in the very near future, by virtue of its inclusion in the American Jobs Plan. But that’s just the beginning: each and every one of the other items covered in the American Jobs Plan (e.g. transportation infrastructure, home care jobs, manufacturing) is connected in multiple ways to broadband access. What forms could - or should - these connections take? Which ones are of higher priority, and what steps should be taken to move them forward? 

On May 18th, we will meet to answer these questions as part of a modified Delphi process - a way of collectively surfacing and prioritizing important ideas. Please join us: the wider the range of expertise and richer the diversity of backgrounds involved in the process, the better and deeper the answers will be. You do not need to have been a part of a Delphi process to participate: we will cover all the necessary steps when we meet. We only ask that you take a quick look at the short version of the American Jobs Plan at:

Or, if you prefer and time permits, the longer version here.

Join us Tuesday May 18th, 1pm PDT (GMT-7)

(Sign up for the project team here to receive the call information)


This collaborative activity is facilitated by Innovator in Residence Ruben Putentedura.

A tree diagram, starting with the word broadband and branching off to other words and sentences from the American Jobs Plan


Laura Geringer