
Electrifying Education (Part 1): Being There

The scarcest commodity in my class is me. I don’t try to make myself scarce. I make it clear to my students that they can always find me by email and that it’s no big deal to fire up a zoom session. But, despite my mastery of digital time and space, I've never managed to be in two places at the same time.

Four course-level strategies to elevate student voice & choice

The ShapingEDU Student Voices Project team is excited to announce their new infographic resource for promoting student agency and student voice at the course level in higher education and lifelong learning!  "Elevating Student Voice & Choice: Course-Level Strategies" offers four steps (course design, instructional strategies, course content and assessment) to help you elevate student voice and choice in your learn

Student Voices: The value of interaction & connection

These stories are part of a series of informal interviews (conversations and/or survey responses) with online students in various stages of their academic journey. 

Clarence Leiner

Question: Are you currently an online student?
Former both fully in-person and fully online student.

Student Voices: Fitria on the importance of schedule, momentum & motivation

This story, shared by Fitria Hardono, a student at Arizona State University, is part of a series of informal interviews (conversations and/or survey responses) with online students in various stages of their academic journey. 

Question: Are you currently an online student?
Yes, all of my classes are fully online (no in-person work).

Student Voices: Anna Victoria speaks about unique challenges & strategies for online learning

This conversation is part of a series of informal interviews (conversations and/or survey) with online students in various stages of their academic journey. 

Anna Victoria VonSchell is a student at Arizona State University (B.S. Prevention Science, 2021; B.S. Psychology, 2017) whose coursework was fully online. Below, Anna shares experiences as an online learner and highlights some of the unique challenges and strategies encountered in that learning format.

Designing Antifragile Learning Systems

As technologists, we often have our minds set firmly on the future. We have made it a hallmark of our profession to find the latest and greatest to share with our communities. Sometimes this results in innovative outcomes but all too often these efforts result in intriguing “projects” that never seem to take root in the fabric of our institutions.

Storybook of Broadband Access + Digital Equity: Volume 1

By Lisa Gustinelli

March 2020 was quite a memorable month for all of us. As we scrambled to figure out the new normal, it was evident that technology would be playing a huge part in the transition to “at home, work”, study, and all aspects of our day-to-day life including access to medical care and even job searches.

While most of us simply took out our laptops, signed into our PC’s and started using our mobile devices as our new connection to the world, many were shut out and many still are.

Out of the Information Thicket - The XR Connection

We find ourselves in a thicket, trying to make sense of the vast amounts of information that the Digital Age has unlocked. Our tools seem somehow inadequate to the task as all they seem to do is speed up the flows while doing little to cut through the tangles. Extended Reality (XR) is about to unlock a new suite of tools with the potential to help us link humans and their ideas in entirely new ways.

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